AXA is an industry leader in terms of climate change and biodiversity action, through divestment policies from coal as early as 2015 but also the development of green investment funds and innovative insurance products and financial Instruments in favour of low carbon solutions and natural ecosystem preservation and restoration.

As the investment manager for AXA, and a major global responsible investor, employer and business, AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM) is determined to tackle the climate-related risks that threaten the future of our planet. We will become a Net-Zero Asset Manager by 2050 or sooner; we are making our product range greener, launching new carbon-focused strategies and building our green investments offering; through active ownership and engagement, we hold companies to account for climate risk; internally, we educate our global workforce to build their climate awareness and, as a business, we are reducing our own carbon footprint by 26% by 2025.

In this spirit the AXA IM Climate Transition Award focuses on the recognition of accomplishments and contributions of research in the most effective ways to power the climate transition and reach net zero.

For inquiries, please read guidelines here

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